醫療床Alpha BED-CPS-LE3-810T1B-1,有全新床墊,已買一年多,只試機,無用過,原價HK$13000以上,工作正常,旺角自取 HK$2500

八成新,醫療電動醫療床,連床褥,拉手架, WHOLE SET -ALPHA 電動5功能可倾斜康愎床 79 x 38 x 8 - 29.5 (缩中) -Demark ABENA 床塾34 x36 附18 謢翼 -4摺阻燃床褥,76.5 x33x3 -BED-CPS 康愎床拉手架

HKD 2,800 Ferrari Official Licensed Product E3, 6N1, 009703 Manufactured by New Max Srl under license of Ferrari Spa Yellow

We have few thousand pieces of ivory product, raw material to clear. Ivory sell with government license, it is legal. Take over whole stock 90% discount. 最後的收藏,有擁有証彫刻象牙料木刻石刻工藝品.
a商業 / 生意頂讓anftrading88

Stander Prime Safety Bed Rail - 可掛式安全床欄 (保養期至2021年6月底) - 方便在上落床,並防止夜間跌倒 - 使用附件安全帶固定到床架 - 承重為400磅 - 隨送收納袋,可放隨身物品 - 輕易安裝在大多數床上 - 輕易從框架上拆卸下來,懸掛在床架上

需自取,請出價。(另有沫浴輪椅車, 可連售) Need to collect by yourself. Please offer price. (Can sell with bath wheelchair together.)
b長者 / 醫療設備及用品brighteducation2008

8成新 只用了一年左右 床底有貯物空間 床架連床褥床墊 9月13前上門自取 size: 203cm X 128cm 官網賣淨床架已需$2990 https://www.ikea.com.hk/zh/products/beds/bed-frames/kortgarden-art-40366926
c家居 / 買賣交易culubibe

產品型號:Allway Bed-AW-LE5T2CS #豪華5功能電動復康床 #實木床頭尾板 #實木護欄 #九成新 #只售$5000 #不包送貨 #請安排上門自取 #取貨地點:青衣區
w健康及醫療 / 康復wallace.yc.wong

書刊/小冊子排版設計 (Brochure Design) | 海報設計 (Poster Design) | 商標設計 (Logo Design) | 宣傳單張設計 (Leaflet Design) | 產品目錄設計 (Product Catalog Design)
設計 / 平面設計木子設計

可約太子道西取,自備搬運工人.如有需要,可連氣墊一併賣出. 有意請出價,29K一套 90%新 產品特點 • 獨一無二的一鍵式座椅位(舒適連動功能) • 具有革命性背部抬高機能 Relax Motion,可以配合使用者的背膝動作調節床身傾斜角度,用家的視野變得更開闊 • 分6個小箱組成,不用工具組裝拆卸,解決家庭門口電梯狹窄問題 • 連配件:介助開門式護欄(木紋)、 插式護欄、一組四件腳輪、減壓床墊

Room with bed, mattress, wooden wardrobe, desk, chair, air conditioner Whole house furniture, refrigerator, washing machine are all available, bags can be accommodated Free WIFI
f物業地產 / 住宅出租fungkarming111

Room with bed, mattress, wooden wardrobe, desk, chair, air conditioner Whole house furniture, refrigerator, washing machine are all available, bags can be accommodated Free WIFI
f物業地產 / 住宅出租fungkarming111

We are the professional Oem manufacturer in China for cabinet hinge and drawer slide since 1986. The good quality of product is our most important concerns. Choose us to get more business cooperation!
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware

Professional OEM manufacturer in China since 1986, major product is cabinet hinge and drawer slide. Quality is our most important concerns, with competitive price, Riming will be your best choice.
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware

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Bed bugs pest control company
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